Creating a Website Doesn’t Have to be a Time Killer
With all the free website builder online, it’s safe to say that anyone could build a website…regardless of technical ability. While you...

3 Key Reasons Every Small Business Needs a Website
Running a small business in 2018 can be frustrating. What's even more frustrating is searching for a business online and they're not...

Don’t Let Your Fears Keep You From Building Your Business
In networking with a lot of people, it’s amazing to learn there was a common thread in the beginning each of us shared. It was fear. Some...

Does your message paint you as the life of the party?
Now I know you may be thinking…how can a marketing message be fun, exciting and still talk about my business. There isn’t a short answer...

How to Start Your Own Business
If you’re like most people you may have dreamt of starting your own business. To many being your own boss sounds great. And in most...

Color and Design In Your Brand
Color and look and doesn’t need to be a costume. We’ve talked about how important color is in your brand design. Color is more important...